The intolerance service for your pets
Food intolerance is defined as a syndrome linked to the intake of particular foods and has a tendency to decrease or to disappear when those kinds of foods are removed from the diet for some time.

Symptoms may include overweight lethargy, restlessness, intestinal disorders, chronic vomiting, dermatitis, opacity of the coat, itching.
A dog with inexplicably high rates of hepatic cytolysis? A cat with cystitis or recurrent cisto-urethritis? A patient with soft faeces or pruritus despite repeated dietary changes? A case of otitis or gingivitis not responding to treatment? All these are situations that every veterinarian may come across in clinical practice daily.
It is a matter of fact that food intolerances have been steadily increasing in humans for several decades: global pollution, the presence of plant protection products or pesticide, pharmacologically active residues in meat for industrially-raised animals, chemical additives for conservation of food. All that leads to an overload of a wide range of toxins carried from food to the body of men and also animals.
That’s why today it is important to have a reliable test for the detection of food intolerances in animals: it will be thus possible to suggest an adaptation of his diet to the client to see most of the symptoms reported diminish or even disappear.
Moreover, as previously mentioned, it is not needed to remove a particular food from the diet for ever, but in most cases it will be sufficient a temporary removal to let the patients improve their life.
Antigenia is able to offer, in collaboration with some specialized laboratories, a service for food intolerance for the following panels:
– Domestic veterinary kit
– Industrial veterinary kit
– Industial-domestic veterinary kit
If you are a veterinarian and you are interesting on doing yourself the reading of kits, we are able to perform a training course for that.
For information and orders contact us by writing to or on the page contact us