The leucocyte-toxic test
Analysis of food intolerance using leucocyte-toxic test: what is it?
This test was developed by Bryan in the forties and then expanded in Europe (England and Italy) in the late eighties. Its aim is to detect, in vitro, the cytotoxic action of certain foods against the neutrophil granulocytes of the patients . The method allows to analyze the morphological reaction of these leucocytes in contact with specific “food extracts”.
This method is now the only one to have a clinical application after the analysis of food intolerances, although the scientific evidence is still being researched. It must be said that the analysys of the leucocyte-toxic test can be performed on patients who are not following a cortisone therapy, since it alters the state of the neutrophil granulocytes.
-Execution of tests by specialized personnel with experience in cell analysis with microscope.
-Use of high quality diagnostic kits.
-Correct application of the test results.
The analysis is performed directly on the leucocyte cell through an optical microscope in dark field.